Apéndice:anglés-interlingue a
A, AN -- un
ABACK -- (taken aback) consternat, perplex, surprisat
ABAFT -- a, vers li sterne
ABANDON -- abandonar, ceder; n. licentie. WITH ~: sin gena ABANDONED: abandonat; (morally) ínmoral, depravat
ABASE -- abassar, degradar, humiliar
ABASH -- confuser, pudentar. TO BE ABASHED: hontar, esser confuset, embarassat
ABATE -- diminuer; (price) rabattar, redacter; (pain etc.) quietar, mitigar, moderar (se)
ABATTOIR -- bucheria, abattuore
ABBEY -- abatia
ABBOT -- abate (-essa, -ia, -iatu)
ABBREVIATE -- acurtar, abreviar
ABDICATE -- abdicar; (office) demisser, demissionar, resignar, renunciar
ABDOMEN -- ventre, abdómine (-al)
ABDUCT -- rapter (-or, -ion), forducter
ABERRATION -- deviation, vagantie; (astr.) aberration; (mental) desórdine mental
ABET -- incitar, instigar; suportar; (aid) auxiliar
ABETTOR -- complice, incitator
ABEYANCE, IN -- dormient, jacent; statu procrastinat
ABHOR -- abominar, detestar (-ation)
ABIDE -- sejornar, habitar; (remain) permaner, restar; (- by) tener, observar; (endure) tolerar, suffrer; (abiding place) domicilie
ABILITY -- capabilitá, habilitá, facultate
ABJECT -- abject, bass, vil, miserabil, indigni
ABJURE -- abjurar, renunciar (a), resignar
ABLATIVE -- ablative
ABLAZE -- flammant
ABLE -- habil, capabil, talentat. TO BE ~: posser. ~BODIED: robust, fort
ABLUTION -- lavation. TO PERFORM ONE'S ~S: lavar se
ABNEGATE -- abnegar (-ation), renunciar
ABNORMAL -- abnormal, ne normal, anormal
ABOARD -- a bord. TO GO ~: inbarcar
ABODE -- logí, habitation, domicilie
ABOLISH -- abolir (-ition); (annul) abrogar, anullar
ABOMINATE -- detestar, abominar (-abil, -ation)
ABORIGINAL -- primitiv, original
ABORÍGINES -- primitives, aborigines
ABORT -- aborter (-ion)
ABORTION -- aborte, misparturition
ABOUND -- abundar (-ant, -antie), pulular
ABOUT -- concernent, pri; (approx.) circa; (around) circum. TO BE ~ SOMETHING: ocupar se pri. TO BE ~ TO: esser sur li punctu de
ABOVE -- (prep.) súper; (adv.) supra, ad-supra; (more than) plu quam. ~ ALL: precipue, ante omnicos
ABOVE-BOARD -- franc, apert, sinceri
ABRASION -- abrasion
ABREAST -- flanc a flanc, paralelmen
ABRIDGE -- acurtar, reducter
ABROAD -- (outside) extern; (out of country) in extrania
ABROGATE -- abrogar (-ation, -ator)
ABRUPT -- abrupt; (sudden) subit. ABRUPTNESS: abruptitá
ABSCESS -- abscesse
ABSCOND -- fugir, escapar secretmen, forcurrer
ABSENT -- a. ~ (-ie). ~MINDED: obliviaci, distractet; v. absentar se
ABSINTHE -- absinte, vermute
ABSOLUTE -- absolut, soveran, ínlimitat
ABSOLUTELY -- ínfallibilmen, absolutmen
ABSOLVE -- absoluer (-tion)
ABSORB -- absorpter (-ion), insucar
ABSTAIN -- abstener se (-entie); (from alcohol) abstiner (-ente)
ABSTEMIOUS -- abstenent, frugal, moderat
ABSTRACT -- a. abstra(c)t; v. abstraer (-tion). TO MAKE AN ~: resumar; n. resumate
ABSTRUSE -- obscur, profund, ocult, celat
ABSURD -- absurd (-itá), stult, idiotic
ABUNDANCE -- abundantie
ABUSE -- v. insultar, invectivar; misusar. n. insulte(s), invective; misusa
ABUT -- adjacer
ABYSS -- abisse, precipitie
ACACIA -- acacie; (false) robinia
ACADEMY -- academie (-ic)
ACANTHUS -- acante
ACCEDE -- acceder; (to a request) conceder, consentir
ACCELERATE -- accelerar (-ation, -ator)
ACCENT -- accentu (-al, -ar, -ation); (of speech) parla-maniere
ACCEPT -- acceptar (-ation)
ACCEPTABLE -- acceptabil, agreabil
ACCESS -- accesse (-ibil, -ion)
ACCESSORY -- a. accessori; n.pl. accessories
ACCIDENCE -- flexion, morfologie
ACCIDENT -- accidente (-al), chance, hasarde
ACCLAIM -- aclamar (-ation, -atori)
ACCLIMATISE -- aclimatisar (-ation)
ACCLIVITY -- coline, declive
ACCOMMODATE -- acomodar, adaptar; (oblige) compleser; (put up) albergar
ACCOMPANY -- acompaniar (-ament)
ACCOMPLICE -- complice, conculpon
ACCOMPLISH -- acompleer, efectuar, executer, atinger
ACCOMPLISHMENT -- (aquisit) habilitá
ACCOMPLISHED -- talentat
ACCORD -- n. acorde; v. acordar, concordar; (grant) conceder, dar. OF ONE'S OWN ~: de propri volentie
ACCORDANCE -- acordantie. IN ~ WITH: conform a, secun
ACCORDINGLY -- ergo, dunc, pro to
ACCORDION -- acordeon (-ist)
ACCOST -- adparlar
ACCOUCHEUR -- acuehera
ACCOUNT -- (bill) calcul, factura; (banking) conto; (importance) importantie; (story) raconta, raporte. ON ~ OF: pro. ON NO ~: pro nequel (null) cause, certmen ne. TO ~ FOR: responsar, rendir conto pri
ACCOUNTABLE -- responsabil
ACCOUNTANT -- contator de libres
ACCOUTRE -- equipar, provider per
ACCREDIT -- acreditar, atestar
ACCRUE -- acrescer, augmentar se, resultar
ACCUMULATE -- acumular (-ation, -ator), amassar, augmentar se
ACCURACY -- precision, corectitá, acuratesse
ACCURATE -- acurat, exact, corect, precisi, sin erras
ACCURSED -- maledit
ACCUSE -- acusar (-ation, -ator, -ativ, -ative)
ACCUSTOM -- acustomar, aclimatar (se a)
ACE -- ass
ACERBITY -- acerbitá, aspritá
ACETATE -- acetate
ACETYLENE -- acetilen
ACHE -- v. doler (-ore)
ACHIEVE -- acompleer, atinger, efectuar
ACHROMATIC -- acromatic
ACID -- acid; n. acide
ACKNOWLEDGE -- aconosser (-ement), confesser, admisser
ACME -- cúlmine, sómmite; (disease) crise
ACONITE -- aconte
ACORN -- glande
ACOUSTIC -- acustic. (~S) acustica
ACQUAINT -- conossentar, informar, avisar
ACQUAINTANCE -- conossentie; (person) conossete (-o, -a)
ACQUIESCE -- submisser se a, consentir a
ACQUIRE -- aquisir, obtener, ganiar
ACQUISITION -- aquisition
ACQUIT -- absoluer, aquittar; (oneself) conduir se
ACRE -- acre
ACRID -- acri, picant, acerb
ACRIMONIOUS -- amari (-tá)
ACROBAT -- acrobate (-ic)
ACROSS -- trans. TO COME ~; trovar
ACROSTIC -- acrosticon
ACT -- v. acter (-ion, -or, -iv, -ivitá); (as an actor) luder, acter; n. acte; statute, actu (-ario)
ACTINIC -- actinic
ACTION -- (lawsuit) processu; (of machine) functionada
ACTUAL -- factic, real, efectiv
ACTUATE -- instigar, motivar, far functionar, impulser
ACUMEN -- sagacitá, perception
ACUTE -- acut, sagaci
AD LIBITUM -- ad libitum
AD NAUSEAM -- a nausea
ADAGE -- proverbie
ADAMANT -- adamant
ADAPT -- adaptar (-ation), adjustar
ADD -- adjunter; (arith.) addir, summar
ADDENDUM -- addendum
ADDER -- vípere
ADDICT -- sclave. v. TO ~ ONESELF TO: habituar se a
ADDLE -- confuser, putrir. ~BRAINED: stult, stupid
ADDRESS -- adresse (-ate, -arium); (speech) discurse, parlation; v. (letters) directer, adressar; (a person) adparlar
ADDRESSEE -- destinatario
ADDUCE -- citar, alegar
ADEPT -- adept, habil; n. adepte
ADEQUATE -- adequat, suficent
ADHERE -- adherer (-ente,-Sion, -Siv)
ADHESIVE -- adhesive, colle
ADIEU -- adío, til revide
ADIPOSE -- corpulent, obesi
ADJACENT -- adjacent, vicin
ADJECTIVE -- adjective (-al, -ic)
ADJOIN -- adjacer, vicinar
ADJOURN -- ajornar; (Parl.) prorogar
ADJUDGE -- adjudicar (-ation)
ADJUNCT -- suplement, anexe, adjuntete
ADJURE -- adjurar, suplicar
ADJUST -- adjustar, ordinar, corecter, rectificar
ADJUSTABLE -- adjustabil, variabil
ADJUTANT -- adjutante
ADMINISTER -- administrar (-ation, -ativ, -ator); gerer
ADMIRAL -- amirale
ADMIRE -- admirar (-abil, -ation, -ator)
ADMISSIBLE -- admissibil (-itá)
ADMIT -- admisser (-ion); confesser; conceder, aconosser
ADMIXTURE -- admixtion
ADMONISH -- monir, admonir, exhortar
ADO -- desfacilitá, tumultu, bruida
ADOLESCENT -- a. ~ (-e, -ie}
ADOPT -- adopter (-ion, -iv)
ADORE -- adorar (-abil, -ation, -ator)
ADORN -- ornar (-ament), decorar
ADRIFT, TO BE ~ -- drivar, esser flott
ADROIT -- habil, astut, capabil
ADULATE -- adular (-ation, -ator), flattar
ADULT -- adult, plen-crescet; n. adulte
ADULTERATE -- falsar, corupter
ADULTERY -- adultérie. TO COMMIT ~: adulterar
ADUMBRATE -- esquissar
ADVANCE -- v. avansar, progresser. IN ~: in avanse, anticipatmen
ADVANTAGE -- avantage (-eosi), profite. TO TAKE ~ OF: profitar
ADVENT -- ariva; (eccl.) advente
ADVENTITIOUS -- accidental, hasardal
ADVENTURE -- aventura (-ero, -osi)
ADVERB -- adverbie (-al)
ADVERSARY -- adversario, oponente, antagonist
ADVERSE -- adversi, contrari
ADVERSITY -- misere, indigentie, beson
ADVERT TO -- aluder, referer, mentionar
ADVERTISE -- anunciar, reclamar
ADVERTISEMENT -- anuncie, reclam
ADVICE -- consilie
ADVISE -- consiliar; informar, avisar; (warn) advertir
ADVISED, ILL~ -- ínprudent, íncaut
ADVOCATE -- n. avocate; v. recomandar; (law) pledar
ADZE -- curvi hacca
AEGIS -- egide
AERATE -- aerar
AERIAL -- antenne
AERO- -- aero-dinamic, -nautica, -plane etc.
AESTHETE -- estete (-ic, -ica)
AFAR -- lontan, distant, for
AFFABLE -- afabil (-itá)
AFFAIR -- afere
AFFECT -- afecter; (the feelings) emoer, emotionar; (pretend) afectar (-ation), ficter
AFFECTION -- amore, afection
AFFIANCE -- sponder
AFFIDAVIT -- jurat atestation
AFFILIATE -- afiliar (-ation)
AFFINITY -- afinitá, parentitá
AFFIRM -- afirmar (-ation, -ativ), asserter
AFFIX -- v. apender, adjunter; n. afixe
AFFLATUS -- inspiration
AFFLICT -- aflicter (-ion), vexar, tormentar
AFFLUENCE -- richesse, abundantie, opulentie
AFFORD -- haver li medies; (yield) dar, liverar, producter; HE CAN ~ IT: su medies permisse to, il dispone lì moné. MUSIC AFFORDS ME PLEASURE: li musica aporta me piesura
AFFOREST -- aforestar (-ation)
AFFRAY -- rixe, lucte
AFFRIGHT -- aterrer, timentar
AFFRONT -- insultar, ofender, afrontar
AFIELD, FAR ~ -- in lontanie
AFLOAT -- flott, flottant
AFOOT -- in eada. WHAT'S ~: quo eveni
AFORE- -- pre-, antey
AFRAID -- timorosi. TO BE ~: timer
AFRESH -- denov
APT -- detra; in li stern
AFTER -- (prep.) pos; (conj.) posque. ~ ALL: in fine, pos omno, in summa. ~BIRTH: placenta. ~NOON: posmidí
AFTERWARDS -- poy, plu tard, pos to
AGAIN -- denov. ONCE ~: ancor un vez
AGAINST -- contra; (towards) vers; (close to) apu
AGATE -- agate
AGE -- etá; (period) era, epoca, témpor. OF ~: plen-etosi, adult, majori. OLD~: oldesse; v. far old, devenir old
AGENCY -- agentie, agentura; (place) agentia
AGENDA -- labor-órdine, agende
AGENT -- agente, comissionario
AGGLOMERATE -- aglomerar (-ation)
AGGLUTINATE -- aglutinar (-ation)
AGGRANDIZE -- agrandar
AGGRAVATE -- iritar; (worsen) agravar, apejorar
AGGREAGATE -- amassar, acumular; n. totale, totalitá
AGGRESSION -- agression
AGGRIEVE -- chagrinar, ofender, vexar
AGHAST -- consternat, horret
AGILE -- agil (-itá), alert
AGITATE -- agitar (-ation, -ator)
AGLOW -- ardent, fervent
AGNOSTIC -- agnostic; n. agnostico
AGO -- ante. TW0 MONTHS ~: ante du mensus
AGONIZE -- tormentar, agonisar
AGONY -- torment(es), agonie
AGRARIAN -- a. agrari
AGREE -- consentir, concordar, acordar.
AGREEMENT -- consentiment, acorde, concordie, convention
AGREEABLE -- complesent, agreabil. I AM ~: yo consenti, yo concorda
AGRICULTURE -- agricultura (-al)
AGROPHOBIA -- agrofobie
AGROUND -- ye funde. TO RUN ~: strandar
AGUE -- febre (intermittent)
AHEAD -- TO BE ~ OF: esser in avan de, esser in facie de. STRAIGHT ~: rect adavan
AID -- n. apoy, auxilie (-ar), sucurse (-er), assistentie
AIDE-DE-CAMP -- adjutante
AIL -- haver maladie, esser malad
AIM -- n. scope, intention; v. visar; (gun) apuntar
AIR -- aere; (mus.) arie, melodie; (appearance) aspecte, aparentie; (manner) geste, maniere. ~TIGHT: hermetic, /ínpenetrabil; v. aerar, ventilar
AIRY -- bon ventilat; spaciosi
AISLE -- ale
AJAR -- mi-apert
AKIMBO, WITH ARMS -- con li manus sur coxe
AKIN -- parent; afini
ALABASTER -- alabastre
ALACK -- o ve!
ALACRITY -- promptitá, alegritá, aviditá
ALARM -- v. alarmar; (frighten) aterrer. TO BE ALARMED: anxiar se; n. timore. ~CLOCK: alarmhorloge
ALAS -- ve
ALBATROSS -- albatroz
ALBEIT -- malgré que, etsi, benque
ALBUM -- album
ALBUMEN -- albumine, blanc ovin
ALCHEMY -- alchimie
ALCOHOL -- alcohol, sprite
ALCOVE -- alcove, niche
ALDER -- alne. BLACK ~: frangul
ALDERMAN -- chef consiliero
ALE -- bir
ALEMBIC -- alambic
ALERT -- alert, vigil, atentiv
ALGEBRA -- algebra
ALIAS -- n. fals nomine
ALIBI -- alibi
ALIEN -- a, foren, extran; n. foreno, extrano
ALIENATE -- alienar, vendir
ALIGHT -- v. descender de, expassuar; a.brulant. TO SET ~: incendiar, inflammar
ALIGN -- alinear (-ament)
ALIKE -- simil, egal, identic, pari
ALIMENT -- aliment (-ari, -ation), nutriment
ALIMONY -- aliment-moné
ALIVE -- vivent; vivid, alert, vivaci. TO BE ~ WITH: formicar ye
ALKALI -- alcali (-in)
ALL -- (everything) omnicos; (the whole) li totalité, lu tot; (- the) omni. AFTER ~: in fine, in summa. ABOVE ~: precipue. NOT AT ~: totmen ne, nequam. IT'S ~ THE SAME TO ME.: it es me egal. ~RIGHT: bon, in órdine
ALLAY -- calmar, aleviar, moderar, quietar, mitigar
ALLEGE -- afirmar, asserter
ALLEGIANCE -- loyalitá, fidelitá, homage, deventie
ALLEGORY -- allegorie, parábol
ALLEVIATE -- aleviar (-ation), mitigar
ALLEY -- stradette. BLIND ~: ciec-via, sacstrade
ALLIANCE -- alliantie
ALLIED -- afini, parent; (persons) alliat
ALLIGATOR -- caiman, alligator
ALLITERATION -- alitteration
ALLOCATE -- distribuer, assignar, portionar
ALLOT -- distribuer, portionar
ALLOTMENT -- (share) parte, portion, quote; (of land) parcelle
ALLOW -- admisser; (grant) conceder, permisser. ~ A DISCOUNT: rabattar
ALLOWANCE -- portion; (due -) egarde, consideration; (monetary) assignament; (discount) rabatte. TO MAKE ~S FOR: indulger
ALLOY -- alligar; n. mixtura, alliage
ALLUDE -- aluder (-Sion)
ALLURE -- seducter, atraer, lurar
ALLUVIUM -- alluvie (-al)
ALLY -- v. alliar, junter, unir; n. alliate
ALMANAC -- almanac, calendare
ALMIGHTY -- omnipotent
ALMOND -- mandul (-iero)
ALMOST -- presc; quasi
ALMS -- almosne
ALOE -- aloe
ALOFT -- supra, in supra
ALONE -- sol, solitari; (only) solmen. TO LEAVE ~: lassar tranquil. LET ~: a tacer pri
ALONG -- along. ~ WITH: junt con. -SIDE: (naut.) bord a borde
ALOOF -- reservat. TO KEEP ~ FROM: tener se lontan de, evitar, restar neutral
ALOUD -- vocosi, con voce, audibilmen
ALP -- alpe (-in)
ALPACA -- alpaca
ALPHABET -- alfabete (-ic)
ALSO -- anc; (moreover) adplu
ALTAR -- altare
ALTER -- alterar (-ation), changear, mutar, modificar
ALTERNATE -- a. alternant; v. alternar (-ation, -ative, -ator)
ALTHOUGH -- benque, etsi
ALTITUDE -- altore, altitá; (geogr.) altitudine
ALTO -- alto
ALTOGETHER -- (as a whole) in tot; (wholly) totmen, absolutmen
ALTRUISM -- altruisme
ALUM -- alune
ALUMINIUM -- aluminium
ALVEOLAR -- alveolari
ALWAYS -- sempre
AMALGAM -- amalgam
AMANUENSIS -- secretario, assistente
AMARANTH -- amarante
AMASS -- amassar, acumular
AMATEUR -- dilettante (-ic)
AMAZE -- astonar (-ant, -ament)
AMAZON -- amazona
AMBASSADOR -- ambassador
AMBER -- ambre
AMBERGRIS -- ambregrise
AMBIDEXTEROUS -- ambidéxteri
AMBIGUOUS -- ambigui (-tá)
AMBITION -- ambitie (-osi)
AMBLE -- v. amblar
AMBROSIA -- ambrosie (-al)
AMBULANCE -- ambulantie
AMBUSH -- inboscada; v. inboscar
AMELIORATE -- ameliorar (-ation)
AMEN -- amen
AMENABLE -- ductibil, influentiabil, docil, complesent
AMEND -- corecter, emendar
AMENDS, TO MAKE -- compensar
AMENITY -- agreabilitá
AMETHYST -- ametist
AMIABLE -- amabil, afabil, suavi, amical
AMICABLE -- amical
AMID -- inter, in medie de
AMISS -- incorect, fals. TO BE ~ WITH: mancar. TO TAKE ~: esser ofendet per, prender in male
AMMETER -- amper-metre
AMMONIA -- amoniac
AMMUNITION -- munition
AMOK -- amocc
AMONG -- inter. FROM ~: ex
AMOROUS -- amorosi
AMORPHOUS -- amorf, sin forme
AMOUNT -- n. summa, quantitá; v. (to ~ to) summar a, equivaler
AMOUR -- amor-afere
AMPHIBIOUS -- amfibic
AMPHIBIAN -- n. amfibie
AMPLE -- ampli ( -ficar, -fication, -ficator), suficent
AMPLITUDE -- amplore
AMPUTATE -- amputar (-ation)
AMULET -- amulete, talisman
AMUSE -- amusar (-ation, -ant), divertisser.
AMUSING -- drolli
AN -- un
ANACHRONISM -- anacronisme
ANAEMIA -- anemie (-ic)
ANAESTHESIA -- anestesie
ANAESTHETIC -- anestetic (-a); n. anestetico
ANAGRAM -- anagramma
ANALOGY -- analog (-ie)
ANALYSE -- analisar. ANALYSIS: analise
ANALYTICAL -- analitic
ANARCHY -- anarchic (-ist)
ANATHEMA -- anatema
ANATOMY -- anatomie (-ic, -ico, -isar), structura
ANCESTOR -- antecessor (-al), preavo
ANCESTRY -- progenitores, antecessores, devenientie
ANCHOR -- ancre (-ar, -age)
ANCHORITE -- anacorete, eremite
ANCHOVY -- anchove
ANCIENT -- ancian, antiqui, old
ANCILLARY -- suplementari, auxiliari
AND -- e. AND SO ON: et cetera
ANECDOTE -- anecdote
ANEMOMETER -- anemometre
ANEMONE -- anemone
ANENT -- pri, concernent
ANEURISM -- aneurisme
ANEW -- denov
ANGEL -- ángel (-ic)
ANGER -- colere (-osi); v. colerar
ANGLE -- angul (-ari); v. croc-piscar
ANGRY -- incolerat, coleric
ANGUISH -- anxietá, angustie, torment
ANILINE -- aniline
ANIMADVERSION -- blama, reproche, reprimande
ANIMAL -- bestie, animale, brute; a. animalic
ANIMALCULA -- infusories
ANIMATE -- animar, inspirar
ANIMOSITY -- inamicitá, hostilitá
ANISEED -- anise
ANKER -- ancre (-age)
ANKLE -- malleol
ANNALS -- annales, cronica
ANNEAL -- temperar
ANNEX -- n. anexe; v. anexer, adjunter
ANNIHILATE -- anihilar (-ation), destructer, exterminar
ANNIVERSARY -- anniversarie
ANNOTATE -- anotar (-ation)
ANNOUNCE -- anunciar, notificar, proclamar
ANNOUNCEMENT -- anuncie, proclamation
ANNOY -- vexar, molestar, trublar, genar
ANNUAL -- annual; n. (book) annuarium; (plant) annuale
ANNUITY -- annuitá
ANNUL -- anullar, abolir, abrogar
ANNUNCIATION -- Anunciation
ANODE -- anode
ANODYNE -- anodine, dedolorative
ANOINT -- unguentar, uncter
ANOMALY -- anomalie
ANON -- strax; (later) bentost; depoy
ANONYMOUS -- anonim (-itá)
ANOTHER -- altri, ancor un. ONE ~: unaltru
ANSERINE -- gansin; stult
ANSWER -- replica, response; v. responder. TO ~ FOR: responsar
ANT -- formíca. ~HILL: formiciera
ANTAGONISM -- antagonisme, oposition
ANTARCTIC -- antarctic. THE ~: antarctica
ANTECEDENT -- a. ~, anteyan, anteriori
ANTE- -- ante-datar, -natal etc.
ANTELOPE -- antilop
ANTENNA -- antenne
ANTERIOR -- anteriori
ANTHEM -- himne, antifon; arie national
ANTHER -- antere
ANTHOLOGY -- antologie
ANTHRACITE -- antracite
ANTHRAX -- antraxe
ANTHROPO- -- antropo-logo, -metric
ANTI- -- anti-semite, -septic etc.
AHTICIPATE -- anticipar (-ation). IN ~: anticipatmen
ANTICS -- drolleríe, gestes grotesc
ANTIDOTE -- antidot, antitoxine
ANTIMONY -- antimon
ANTIPATHY -- antipatíe
ANTIPODES -- antipode
ANTIQUARIAN -- n. antiquario; a. antiquaric
ANTIQUATED -- antiquat, obsolet
ANTIQUITY -- antiquitá
ANTIRRHINUM -- antirrínum, bocca de leon
ANTITHESIS -- antitese
ANTLER -- cornament, cornatura
ANUS -- ánus
ANVIL -- incude
ANXIETY -- anxietá
ANXIOUS -- íntranquil, anxiosi; tre desirosi
ANY -- alquel, quelcunc; (- kind of) alqual, qualcunc. Often omitted: HAVE YOU ANY MATCHES: esque vu have inflammettes? I WILL NOT STAY ANY LONGER: yo ne va restar plu long
ANYBODY -- (interr.) alcun, alquí, alquem; (no matter who(m)) quicunc, quemcunc
ANYHOW -- alquam; (no matter how) quamcunc
ANYTHING -- (interr.) alquó; (no matter what) quocunc
ANYWHERE -- (interr.) alcú; (no matter where) ucunc
APACE -- rapidmen, hastosimen
APART -- apart, separat, isolat, desunit. ~ FROM
THAT -- ultra to
APATHETIC -- apátic. APATHY: apatíe
APE -- simio; v. imitachar, simiar
APERIENT -- purgative, laxative
APERTURE -- apertura, intersticie
APEX -- punta, sómmite, culmine
APHORISM -- aforisme
APIARY -- apiera. APIARIST: apioultor
APIECE -- (por) chascun
APOGEE -- apogé
APOLOGIZE -- demandar pardon
APOLOGY -- excusa, apologie
APOPLECTIC -- apoplectic
APOPLEXY -- apoplexie
APOSTASY -- apostasie
APOSTATE -- apostatico
APOSTLE -- apóstol (-ic), disoiple
APOSTROPHE -- apostrof
APOTHECARY -- apotecario, farmacist
APOTHEGM -- maxime, aforisme
APOTHEOSIS -- apoteose
APPAL -- aterrer, decoragear
APPANAGE -- apanage
APPARATUS -- aparate
APPAREL -- vestiment, costume
APPARENT -- aparent (-ie), semblant
APPARITION -- aparition, fantom, spírite
APPEAL -- n. apelle; v. apellar; implorar, suplicar APPEAR: aparir; (seem) aparer (-entie), semblar
APPEARANCE -- aspecte, semblantie
APPEASE -- calmar, quietar, tranquilisar
APPELLANT -- apellante, acusator
APPEND -- anexer, adjunter. apender
APPENDIX -- apéndice (-ite)
APPERTAIN -- apartener
APPETITE -- apetite. APPETISING: apetitisant
APPLAUD -- aplauder; (clap) claccar. APPLAUSE: aplause
APPLE -- pom (-iero)
APPLIANCE -- aparate, utensile, expediente, machine
APPLICABLE -- aplicábil (-itá)
APPLY -- aplicar (-abil, -ation). TO ~ TO: tornar se a. TO ~ ONESELF TO: devoer se a
APPOINT -- fixar, destinar, etablisser; (a person) nominar, electer. APPOINTMENT: rendevú, nomination, oficie
APPORTION -- partir, aportionar, divider
APPOSITE -- apt, convenent
APPOSITION -- aposition
APPRAISE -- apreciar, taxar, evaluar, estimar
APPRECIATE -- apreciar, estimar
APPREHEND -- percepter, comprender; arestar
APPREHENSIVE -- ínquiet. TO BE ~ OF: esser ínquiet, timer pri
APPRENTICE -- aprentiso (-age)
APPRISE -- avisar, informar, notificar
APPROACH -- aproximar se, avicinar se, ear al incontra de
APPROBATION -- aprobation
APPROPRIATE -- convenent, scope-conform, apt; v. apropriar (-ation)
APPROVE -- aprobar
APPROXIMATE -- aproximativ; v. aproximar (se)
APPURTENANCES -- accessories, garnitura, requisites
APRICOT -- abricot
APRIL -- april
APRON -- avantale
APROPOS -- apropó
APSE -- apside, altar-niche
APT -- apt, inclinat. TO BE ~ TO: tender
AQUARELLE -- aquarelle
AQUARIUM -- aquarium
AQUATIC -- aquatic
AQUEDUCT -- aqueducte
AQUILINE -- aquilin
ARABESQUE -- arabesca
ARABLE -- arabil, plugabil
ARBITER -- arbitre (-ari)
ARBITRATE -- arbitrar (-ation, -ator)
ARBORESCENT -- arboratri
ARBOUR -- pérgola, laube
ARC -- arc (-ade, -ero)
ARCH -- arc, ogive; a. friponi
ARCH- -- archi-angel, -episcop, etc.
ARCHAIC -- arcaic. ARCHAISM: arcaisme
ARCHEOLOGIST -- archeologo (-ie)
ARCHIPELAGO -- archipelago
ARCHITECT -- architecte (-ura)
ARCHITRAVE -- architrav
ARCHIVES -- archive (-ario)
ARCTIC -- arctic. THE ~: Arctica
ARDENT -- ardent, fervent, impetuosi
ARDOUR -- ardore
ARDUOUS -- penosi, laborosi, fatigant
AREA -- area, superficie, spacie
ARENA -- arena
ARGENT -- argente (-in)
ARGILLACEOUS -- argilosi, argilatri
ARGUE -- arguer (-ment)j (dispute) argumentar, disputar
ARIA -- arie
ARID -- arid (-itá)
ARIGHT -- just(men)
ARISE -- levar se. TO ~ OUT OF: nascer ex, provenir
ARISTOCRAT -- aristocrate (-ie, -ic)
ARITHMETIC -- aritmetica
ARITHMETICIAN -- aritmetico
ARK -- (Noah's) area de Noé
ARM -- (limb) brasse; (mil.) arme. ARMFUL: brassade. ARMPIT: axille; v. armar (-ament). COAT OF ~S: blason, emblema
ARMCHAIR -- fotel
ARMISTICE -- armisticie
ARMOUR -- curasse; v. blindar
ARMOURY -- arsenale; armería
ARMY -- armé
AROMA -- aroma (-tic), odore, parfum
AROUND -- circum; (approx.) circa, pluminu
AROUSE -- alarmar, avigilar; (stir up) excitar, iritar
ARQUEBUS -- arcabuse (-ero)
ARRACK -- Aracc
ARRAIGN -- acusar, inculpar
ARRANGE -- arangear (-ament), ordinar; disposir
ARRANT -- archi-
ARRAY -- n. órdine, serie; vestes; v. ordinar, arangear; vestir
ARREARS -- residue, rest, summa ínpayat
ARREST -- n. areste (-ar); (stop) impedir
ARRIVAL -- ariva; (person) ariva(n)te
ARRIVE -- arivar, advenir
ARROGATE -- arogar, pretender
ARROGANT -- arogant (-ie), insolent, pretensiosi
ARROW -- fleche. ~SHAPED: sagittiform
ARSENAL -- arsenale, armería
ARSENIC -- arsenic
ARSON -- incendiation
ART -- arte (-ist, -istic). ~ GALIERY: pinacoteca
ARTERY -- arterie (-osclerose)
ARTFUL -- astut (-ie)
ARTHRITIS -- artrite
ARTICHOKE -- artichoc. JERUSALEM ~: topinambur
ARTICLE -- articul; (thing) cose
ARTICULATE -- articular (-ation)
ARTIFICE -- artificie
ARTIFICIAL -- artifical (-itá)
ARTILLERY -- artillerie
ARTISAN -- artisian (-al, -atu)
ARTLESS -- naiv, inafectat, simplic, ingenui (-tá)
AS -- (because) proque; (manner) quam. ~ RICH ~: tam rich quam. ~ FAR ~: til. ~ FAR ~ I KNOW: secun quo yo save. ~ TO: concernent
ASBESTOS -- asbeste
ASCEND -- ascender (-Sion), montar
ASCENDANCY -- superioritá
ASCERTAIN -- constatar
ASCETIC -- (person) ascete (-ic, -isme)
ASCRIBE -- atribuer, imputar
ASH -- cindre (-iere); (tree) fraxine
ASHAMED -- hontosi. TO BE ~: hontar. TO MAKE ~: ahontar
ASIDE -- ad-látere. TO PUT ~: escartar
ASININE -- asinin
ASK -- questionar, interrogar. ~ FOR: petir, demandar
ASKANCE -- TO LOOK ~ AT: regardar con suspection
ASKEW -- obliqui
ASLANT -- obliqui, inclinat, clin
ASLEEP -- dormient, indormit. TO PALL ~: indormir
ASP -- aspide, vípere; (tree) tremul
ASPARAGUS -- asparge
ASPECT -- aspecte, vis-punctu
ASPERITY -- aspritá, acerbitá
ASPERSION -- calumnie. TO CAST ~S: defamar, descreditar
ASPHALT -- asfalte
ASPHYXIATE -- asfixiar (-ation)
ASPIRATE -- v. aspirar (-ant, -ation)
ASPIRE -- aspirar (a), penar, efortiar
ASS -- ásino; stupidon, stulton
ASSAIL -- ataccar, assaltar
ASSASSIN -- mortard. ASSASSINATE: assassinar (—ation, -ator)
ASSAULT -- n. assalte (-ar)
ASSAY -- v. provar, essayar
ASSEMBLE -- convenir, assemblar, reunir se
ASSEMBLY -- assemble, convenida
ASSENT -- assentir, consentir. TO GIVE - TO: sanctionar, aprobar
ASSERT -- asserter (-ion), afirmar
ASSESS -- evaluar (-ation), taxar
ASSETS -- actives
ASSIDUOUS -- assidui (-tá), diligent
ASSIGN -- assignar, atribuer
ASSIMILATE -- assimilar (-ation)j incorporar
ASSIST -- auxiliar, assister (-ente, -entie)
ASSIZES -- assises, tribunale
ASSOCIATE -- n. socioj v. associar (se)
ASSOCIATION -- association, societé, club
ASSONANCE -- assonantie
ASSORT -- assortir (-iment), classificar
ASSUAGE -- mitigar, moderar, lenir, aleviar
ASSUME -- suposir; (usurp) usurpar. TO ~ AS TRUE: acceptar. TO ~ A LIKENESS: simular
ASSUMPTION -- hipotese
ASSURE -- assecurar, afirmar
ASSURANCE -- (insurance) assecurantie (self-confidence) aplombe
ASTER -- aster
ASTERISK -- asterisco
ASTERN -- a sterne, a dorse
ASTHMA -- astma (-tic, -tico)
ASTONISH -- astonar (-ament, -ant), surprisar
ASTRADDLE -- con gambes furcat
ASTRAL -- astral
ASTREY, TO GO -- * misviar; errar
ASTRINGENT -- astringent
ASTROLOGER -- astrologo (-ie, -ic)
ASTRONOMER -- astronom (-ie, -ic)
ASTUTE -- astut (-ie)
ASUNDER -- apart, separat; dis-
ASYLUM -- asil, hospicie por alienates
AT -- (place) in (London), a; (time) ye.
AT THREE O'CLOCK|AT -- ye tri horas; (house, shop) che.
AT THE BARBER'S|AT -- che li barbero; (towards) vers, contra, a; (at the rate of) tri horloges a Fr. 100.
AT ALL EVENTS|AT -- in omni casu.
AT LEAST|AT -- adminim.
AT ONCE|AT -- strax.
AT MOST|AT -- admaxim
ATHEISM -- ateisme. ATHEIST: ateo
ATHLETE -- atlete (-ic)
ATLAS -- atlas, landcarte
ATMOSPHERE -- atmosfere (-ic)
ATMOSPHERICS -- atmosferic perturbationes
ATOLL -- atoile
ATOM -- atom (-ic, -bombe)
ATONE POR, TO -- * expiar, compensar
ATROCIOUS -- atroci (-tá), horribil
ATROPHY -- n. atrofie (-ar)
ATTACH -- atachar (-ament), fixar, ligar
ATTACK -- ataccar; n. atacca
ATTAIN -- atinger (-ement), obtener
ATTAINMENTS -- aquisition mental
ATTAINT -- macular
ATTEMPT -- (on life) atentar (-ate); provar, penar
ATTEND -- (wait) atender; (be present) assister, esser present; (pay attention) atenter; (wait on) servir, cuidar
ATTENDANT -- servitor; acompaniator
ATTENTION -- atention
ATTENUATE -- atenuar, diluer, rarificar
ATTEST -- atestar
ATTIC -- mansarde
ATTIRE -- vestiment, costume
ATTITUDE -- atitude, position, posa, postura
ATTORNEY -- avocate, mandatario; agente, jurist. ~ GENERAL: procurator
ATTRACT -- atraer (-tion, -tiv)
ATTRIBUTE -- n. qualitá, caracteristicum; v. atribuer
ATTRITION -- frottation, atrition
ATTUNE -- acordar
AUBURN -- rubi-aurin, ross
AUCTION -- auction (-ar, -ator)
AUDACIOUS -- audaci (-tá), temerari
AUDIBLE -- audibil (-itá), perceptibil
AUDIENCE -- (hearing) audientie, audition; (persons) auditorie, spectatores
AUDITORIUM -- auditoria
AUDIT -- conto-control (-ero)
AUDITOR -- revisor, verificator de contos
AUGER -- (per)forator
AUGMENT -- augmentar (-ation), supleer, suplementar
AUGURY -- augure
AUGUST -- august; (adj.) majestic
AUNT -- tanta
AUREOLA -- aureol
AURICLE -- orel(ette), auricul
AURIFEROUS -- auriferi
AURORA BOREALIS -- aurora boreal, luce polari
AUSCULTATE -- auscultar
AUSPICES -- auspicies
AUSPICIOUS -- de bon augure, oportun, favorabil
AUSTERE -- austeri (-tá)
AUSTRAL -- sudic
AUTHENTIC -- autentic (-itá)
AUTHOR -- autor (-essa, -isar)
AUTHORITY -- autoritá; (collect) autorité
AUTO- -- auto-crate, -graf, -mobile, -nomie
AUTUMN -- autun (-al)
AUXILIARY -- auxiliari
AVAIL -- valer. IT WILL ~ NOTHING: it va esser inutil. TO ~ ONESELF OF THE OPPORTUNITY: profitar li ocasion
AVAILABLE -- disponibil, obtenibil; (person) accessibil; (ticket) valid
AVALANCHE -- avalanche
AVARICIOUS -- avari, cupid (-itá)
AVENGE -- (re)venjar
AVENUE -- avenúe, allé
AVER -- afirmar
AVERAGE -- medial valore; (marine insurance) havarie. ON THE ~: medialmen
AVERSE -- aversi, desinclinat
AVERSION -- aversion
AVERT -- impedir, detornar, preventer
AVIARY -- aviarium
AVIATION -- aviation
AVID -- avid (-itá)
AVOCATION -- vocation, profession, ocupation, mestiere
AVOID -- evitar
AVOUCH -- asserter
AVOW -- confesser, declarar
AWAIT -- atender
AWAKE(N) -- a. vigil; v. avigilar (se)
AWARD -- adjudicar; n. judicament, sententie; (prize) premie
AWARE, TO BE -- * saver; (conscious of) conscier. TO BECOME ~: percepter
AWAY -- for, absent
AWE -- timore, veneration, reverentie
AWFUL -- terribil, horribil
AWEARY -- lassi, fatigat
AWHILE -- poc momentes
AWKWARD -- ínhabil, genant, rustic; embarassant, plump
AWL -- alen
AWNING -- (canopy) marquise, covritura
AWRY -- tordet, obliqui
AXE -- hache
AXIOM -- axioma (-tic)
AXIS -- axe
AXLE -- axe
AYE -- yes. FOR ~: por sempre
AZIMUTH -- azimute
AZURE -- azur