Apéndice:anglés-interlingue y
YACHT -- ~
YAK -- ~
YAP -- v. claffar (-ada)
YARD -- corte; (measure) yard; (naut.) yard, segle-pal
YARN -- (thread) ~, lan filat; (tale) raconta (-ar)
YARROW -- millfolie
YAW -- serpentear
YAWL -- n. yolle
YAWN -- v. hiar (-ada)
YEA -- yes
YEAR -- annu (-al, -arium)
YEARLING -- unannuon
YEARN -- sospirar
YEAST -- leven, ferment
YELL -- v. yellar (-ant)
YELLOW -- yelb (-esse, -ore). ~ HAMMER: emberize
YELP -- claffar, aboyettar
YEOMANRY -- milicie
YES -- ~
YESTERDAY -- yer. YESTERDAY'S NEWSPAPER: li yeral jurnale
YET -- (already) ja; (still) ancor; (nevertheless) támen. HAS HE COME. ~?: esque il ha ja venit?
YEW -- taxuo
YIELD -- v. ceder, capitular; conceder; (to temptation) sucumber; n. (return) rendiment, producte
YIELDING -- cedaci
YODEL -- (sons) yodle (-ero, -ar)
YOKE -- yug; (of oxen) pare; (for carrying pails) vecte
YOKEL -- rustico
YOLK -- vitelle, yelb-ovine
YONDER -- ta, a ta; (adj.) ti-ta
YORE, OF -- * antey, in anteyan témpor; antiqui
YOU -- vu; (dat. ace.) vos
YOUNG -- yun. THE ~: li yunité; (of animals) -ello. WITH ~: gravid
YOUNGSTER -- júveno, yuno
YOUR -- vor, vostri; tui
YOUTH -- yun (-a, -o), júven (-a, -o); (period of life) yunesse; (youngness) yunitá; (young people) li yunite
YOUTHFUL -- juvenil; adolescent
YULE -- Crist-feste; yul