Apéndice:anglés-interlingue l
LABEL -- etiquette, afichette, billet
LABORATORY -- laboratoria, oficina
LABORIOUS -- diligent, laborosi; penosi, fatigant
LABOUR -- labore (-ar, -ero); (strive) penar; (childbirth) parturition; (toil) strapacie. HARD ~: labor punitori. ~ IN VAIN: van pena
LABURNUM -- citise
LABYRINTH -- labirinte (-in)
LAC -- lacca
LACE -- (fabric) dentelle; (for uniform) galon; (shoe-) lace; (trimmings) pasment; v. lacear; ligar
LACEHOLE -- oculette
LACERATE -- lacerar, mutilar
LACHRYMAL -- ~ lacrimal
LACK -- manca, beson, índigentie; v. mancar, indiger
LACKADAISICAL -- índiferent; negligent
LACKEY -- lacayo
LACKING, TO BE -- * mancar
LACQUER -- v. laccar; n. lacca
LACTEAL -- lactin, lactatri
LAD -- yuno, júveno, garson, boy
LADDER -- scale
LADEN -- cargat; (abstract sense) chargeat, opresset
LADING, BILL OF -- * certificate de carga
LADLE -- coclaron, coclare haustiv
LADY -- dama, seniora
LADYBIRD -- coccinelle
LADY DAY -- Anunciation
LADYLIKE -- de bon manieres, de seniora
LADY-LOVE -- amata
LAG -- v. lentear, restar retro, tardar, lentardear; n. retardation
LAGGARD -- lentarde
LAGOON -- lagune
LAIC -- ~ (-o)
LAIR -- lette, tana, refugia
LAIDY -- laicos, profanes
LAKE -- lago
LAMA -- ~
LAMB -- agnelle (-a); (meat) agnelline, oarne agnellin
LAMBENT -- (flame) serpentant
LAME -- a. claudicant; (fig.)ínsatisfatori, debil; v. mutilar, far .claudicant, paralisar
LAMENT -- v. lamentar (-ation, -abil), deplorar
LAMINA -- lámine
LAMP -- lampe. STREET ~: lanterne. HANGING ~: lucerne. HEAD ~: projector
LAMPBLACK -- fulígine de lamp
LAMPGLASS -- lamp-cilindre
LAMPSHADE -- para-luce
LAMPOON -- pasquin (-ar, -ada); v. satirisar
LAMPREY -- lamprede
LANCE -- lanse; (med.) lansette; v. lansettar, inciser
LANCET -- lansette
LAND -- (ground) terre, suol; (country) land, pais; v. debarcar, aterrar, abordar; (unload) decargar
LANDAU -- ~, coche
LANDING -- (on stairs) planage. ~ STAGE: caye, debarcatoria
LANDLADY -- patrona; hospedessa, albergatora
LANDLOCKED -- circumdat de terra
LANDLORD -- proprietarie; mastro; (of inn) hósped
LANDMARK -- born-petre
LANDOWNER -- proprietario de terra
LANDSCAPE -- paisage (-ist)
LANDSLIDE -- crulation terral, avalanche, glissament de terra
LANE -- stradette, via
LANGUAGE -- lingue, idioma
LANGUISH -- languir (-ore)
LANK -- magri; (of hair) íncrispat
LANTERN -- lanterne. MAGIC ~: optic lanterne
LANYARD -- talrep
LAP -- gremie; (in a race) ronde; v. (drink) trincar; (plash) clapotar
LAPEL -- ~
LAPIDARY -- n. lapidero, lapidario
LAPSE -- v. expirar, passar, preterir; (fall back) recader, recidivar; n. errore; (of time) eflution, preterition, curse
LAPWING -- vanelle
LARBOARD -- bacbord
LARCENY -- furte
LARCH -- larice
LARD -- grasse porcin; v. lardar
LARDER -- cámera de provisiones, gardamanjage
LARGE -- grand. AT ~: líber
LARGELY -- max sovente, precipue
LARGESS -- donation
LARK -- alaude; (fun) burla
LARVA -- larve
LARYNX -- laringe (-ite)
LASCIVIOUS -- lasciv, voluptosi
LASH -- v. (bind) ligar, amarrar; (whip) flagellar; (of horses) TO ~ OUT: regambar; n. knut; colp de flagell; (eyelash) cilie
LASS -- puella, yuna
LASSITUDE -- lassitá
LASSO -- ~
LAST -- a. ultiia, passat, final; precedent. AT ~: in fine. ~ NIGHT: yer vesper; n. (boot ~) listell; v. durar
LASTING -- durabil, permanent
LASTLY -- in fine, finalmen, ultimmen
LATCH; cline (-ar). LATCHKEY -- clave portal
LATE -- a. tard; (of train etc.) retardat; (former) recent, anteyan; (deceased) morit, decedet; adv. tard
LATELY -- ultimmen, recentmen
LATER -- subsequent, posteriori, plu tard
LATEST -- novissim
LATH -- latte. LATHWORK: lattage
LATHE -- tornuore
LATHER -- scum (-ear); v. insaponar
LATITUDE -- latitúdine; (freedom) libertá
LATTER -- a. ultim, ti ci
LATTICE -- trellie (-age)
LAUD -- laude (-ar,-abil, -ativ)
LAUDANUM -- tinctura de opium
LAUGH -- v. riDer (-sion, -sibil); (to ~ at) deriDer, mocar; n. rise
LAUGHING-STOCK -- objecte de rision
LAUGHTER -- rision, hilaritá
LAUNCH -- lansar; n. (boat) chalupe
LAUNDRESS -- lavera
LAUNDRY -- lavería
LAUREATE -- laureat (-o)
LAUREL -- laure
LAVA -- ~
LAVATORY -- toilette, lavatoria; latrine
LAVE -- v. lavar, rinsar
LAVENDER -- lavende
LAVISH -- a. liberal, generosi, prodigal; v. prodigar
LAW -- lege, statute, decrete; (jurisprudence) jure. ~ COURT: tribunale; v. TO GO TO ~: processuar
LAWFUL -- legal (-itá), legitim
LAWLESS -- ínlegal, arbitrari, sin leges
LAWN -- gazon, (material) linon
LAWN-TENNIS -- ténnis
LAWSUIT -- processu
LAWYER -- legist, jurist
LAX -- ~ (-itá)
LAXATIVE -- a. laxativ; n. laxative
LAY -- a. laic (-o)
LAY -- v. posir, metter. jacentar; (eggs) posir, ovar: (ghost) exorcisar; (tablecloth) covrir li table; (wager) pariar; (~ dust) abatter
LAY DOWN -- statuer, prescrir, definir, decreter
LAY IN -- (store) aprovisionar
LAY ON -- aplicar; (strike) batter
LAY OPEN -- exposir, decovrir, decelar
LAY OUT -- extenDer; (money) expender, deborsar; (corpse) apretar
LAY SIEGE TO -- assediar
LAY UP -- amassar, aprovisionar
LAYER -- (hort.) marcotte; (geol.) strate; (de)positor
LAY-FIGURE -- marionette, figura
LAZY -- pigri, indolent
LEA -- herbiera, prate
LEAD -- n. (metal) plumbe; (for pencils) grafite; (naut.) sonde; v. plumbar
LEAD -- v. (conduct) ducter, guidar, directer; (go in front) preceder; (cause) causar, far; (- off) comensar; (~ astray) seducter; n. duction, direction; precedentie
LEADEN -- plumbin, plumbic; inert
LEADER -- (con)duetor, chef; articul redactoral
LEAF -- folie (-at, -age, -ette, -osi); (of table etc.) clappe
LEAGUE -- n. liga, fédere; (distance) tri milies; v. oonfederar, alliar, ligar
LEAK -- licc (-ar); v. (to ~ out) divulgar se.
LEAL -- loyal, fidel
LEAN 1.|LEAN -- a. magri; n. carne sin grasse
LEAN 2.|LEAN -- v. (for support) apoyar; (incline) inclinar (-ation)
LEANINGS -- inclination
LEAP -- n. salta (-ar)
LEAP-FROG -- cise-cap
LEAP-YEAR -- annu bisextil
LEARN -- aprenDer (-sor); reciver information, audir. I ~ THAT ...: on di me que...
LEARNED -- erudit, doct, expert, versat (in)
LEARNER -- scolero, elevo, aprensor; aprentise
LEARNING -- erudition, saventie
LEASE -- v. (to take) luar, arendar; (to let) forluar; n. lua-contrate
LEASE-HOLD -- arenda
LEASH -- cupla-bande
LEAST -- a. max micri, minim. THE ~ BEAUTIFUL: li minim bell. AT ~: adminim, alminu. NOT IN THE ~: in null mode, tot ne. TO SAY THE ~: por ne exagerar
LEATHER -- cute (-in). RUSSIAN ~: yufte
LEAVE -- v. lassar; (abandon) forlassar, abandonar; (depart) departer, forviagear; surtir; (bequeath) legar, testar; (to ~ off) cessar. TO TAKE ~ OF: dir adío. TO ~ BEHIND: poslassar; n. permission, licentie, vacantie, congedie, adío
LEAVEN -- leven; v. fermentar, levenar
LEAVINGS -- rest(age)
LECHER -- libertino (-isme), lascivon
LECTERN -- pupitre
LECTURE -- discurse, lection; reprimande; v. far un discurse
LEDGE -- corniche
LEDGER -- chef-libre, contolibre
LEE -- sub li vent; LEEWAY: drive; témpor perdit
LEECH -- sanguisuc
LEEK -- porro
LEER -- v. regardachar, regardar maliciosimen; n. oculada lasciv
LEES -- sediment
LEFT -- a. levul. ON THE ~: a levul. LEFT-HANDER: levulon. TO BE ~ OVER: restar
LEG -- gambe; (of garment) gambale
LEGACY -- legate
LEGAL -- ~ (-itá, -isar), legitim (-ar)
LEGATE -- legato
LEGATEE -- legatario
LEGEND -- legende (-ari)
LEGERDEMAIN -- jongleríe, escamotage ~LEGGED: -gambat
LEGGINGS -- gamache, gambiere
LEGIBLE -- leibil (-itá)
LEGION -- ~ (-ario)
LEGISLATE -- v. legislator (-ion, -iv, -ura)
LEGITIMATE -- a. legitim (-ar, -itá)
LEGUME -- (bot.) legúmine (-osi)
LEISURE -- ocie (-osi)
LEISURELY -- lent(men)
LEMON -- citron, limon
LEMONADE -- limonade
LEND -- prestar; dar, auxiliar
LENGTH -- longore. AT ~: in fine; detalliatmen
LENGTHEN -- alongar, prolongar
LENGTHY -- long; enoyant, tedosi
LENIENT -- mild, indulgent, clement (-ie)
LENITIVE -- lenitiv, palliativ
LENS -- linse; (bi-convex) lupe
LENT -- carema
LENTICULAR -- linsiform
LENTIL -- (bot.) lentille
LEONINE -- leonin
LEOPARD -- leoparde
LEPER -- leproso
LEPROSY -- lepra (-osi)
LESS -- adv. minu. MORE OR ~: plu-minu. LESS AND ~: sempre minu. THE ~ THE BETTER: plu poc plu bon
LESSEE -- locatario, luator
LESSEN -- diminuer (se)
LESSER -- inferiori
LESSON -- lecion; (eccl.) letion
LEST -- pro timore que,: por que ... ne
LET -- (allow) lassar, permisser; (~ alone) lassar; a tacer pri; (lease) forluar; (optative) lass...; (subjunctive) mey. LET IT CAME: it mey venir
LET GO -- liberar, lassar ear; (naut.) filar
LET OFF -- far exploDer; (fig.) pardonar, excusar
LET OUT -- (clothes) extender, alargar; (divulge) divulgar; (free) lassar surtir, lassar escapar
LETHAL -- mortific, mortatori
LETHARGY -- letargie (-ic)
LETTER -- lettre (-bux); (of alphabet) líttere. CAPITAL ~: majuscul. SMALL ~: minuscul
LETTERED -- litterat; erudit, doct
LETTER-RACK -- lettriere, porta-lettre
LETTERS -- litteratura. A MN OF ~: litterato
LETTUCE -- latug
LEVEE -- reception
LEVEL -- a. plan, plat; n. nivelle, egalitá; (instr.) nivellette; v. aplatar, egalisar, nivellar; (a gun) apuntar, visar; (a blow) lansar
LEVEL-CROSSING -- nivell-passage
LEVER -- levere, levette; v. leverar
LEVERET -- leporello
LEVITATION -- levation
LEVITY -- levitá, frivolitá
LEVY -- v. imposir; (troops) levar, recrutar
LEWD -- ínchast, libertin, debochant
LEXICON -- lexico (-al, -ografie); dictionarium
LIABILITY -- (propensity) inclination, tendentie; (debt) passive, debite
LIABLE -- responsabil (-itá), tuchabil; (~ to) inclinat a
LIAISON -- intriga de amore, relation amorosi; conexion, cooperation
LIBEL -- v. defamar, calumniar; n. calumnie, defamation
LIBEEAL -- ~ (-isme), generosi (-itá)
LIBERATE -- liberar (-ation, -ator)
LIBERTINE -- a. libertin (-o, -isme)
LIBERTY -- libertá; privilegie. I TAKE THE ~: yo permisse me
LIBRARY -- biblioteca (-ario)
LIBRETTO -- librette
LICENCE -- licentie, libertá, permission, autoritá
LICENSE -- v. autorisar
LICENTIOUS -- ínfrenat, licentiosi
LICK -- n. lecca (-ar, -on)
LICKSPITTLE -- leccard, adulator
LID -- (cover) covrette, covricul; (eyelid) palpebre
LIE -- v. jacer, reposar; (tell a ~) mentir; (remain) restar. TO ~ IN WAIT: guatar. (naut.) TO ~ TO: capear. TO ~ IDLE: chomar. TO ~ OVER: star ajornat; n. mentie; (slope) cline
LIEF -- AS ~: preferer. I WOULD AS ~: yo vell preferer
LIEGE -- a. vassali
LIEU OF, IN -- * vice, in vice de
LIEUTENANT -- leutenante
LIFE -- vive, existentie; vivacitá; aferes homan; (biography) biografie
LIFE-ANNUITY -- rente vive-durant
LIFEBELT -- cintura salvatori
LIFEBOAT -- bote salvatori
LIFEBUOY -- boye salvatori
LIFELESS -- sin vive, ínanimat, mort
LIFELIKE -- natural
LIFELONG -- vive-durant, por li tot vive
LIFE-SIZE -- grandore natural
LIFETIME -- vive-témpor
LIFT -- v. levar; (fog) disperser se; n. lift, elevator; auxilie
LIGATURE -- ligatura; bande, corde ligativ
LIGHT -- n. luce, lúmine; foy; a. (of weight) levi; (easy) facil, lucid, clar, luminosi; (of hair) blond; v. accenDer, inflammar. TO ~ UP: iluminar
LIGHT ON -- incontrar; decovrir
LIGHTEN -- aclarar; iluminar, lucidar; (ease) aleviar; (lightning) fulminar
LIGHTER -- (boat) chalande, chalupe; (cigarette ~) accendette
LIGHT-FOOTED -- agil (-ita)
LIGHTHEADED -- deliriosi
LIGHTHEARTED -- gay, joyosi, de levi anim
LIGHTING -- ilumination; lucement
LIGHTLY -- levimen, facilmen
LIGHTNING -- fúlmine, fulguration. ~ CONDUCTOR: para-fulmine. FORKED ~: zigzag de fulmine. ~ STROKE: fúlmincolpe
LIGHTS -- (lungs) pulmones
LIGHTSHIP -- fare-nave
LIGNEOUS -- lignin
LIKE -- a. simil, egal. ONE ~ THAT: un tal; adv. quam; v. amar, apreciar; (to wish) voler; n. lu simil, lu egal
LIKELY -- versimil (-itá), probabil; (believable) credibil
LIKEN -- comparar con
LIKENESS -- similitá; portrete, image
LIKEWISE -- anc; (similarly) similmen
LIKING -- gust, inclination, preferentie, predilection
LILAC -- n. lila
LILT -- ritme, melodie, cadentie
LILY -- lilie. ~ OF THE VALLEY: convallaria
LIMB -- membre; tranche ~ (astr.) limbe
LIMBO -- borde del inferne
LIME -- (fruit) limon; (tree) tilie; (min.) calce; (birdlime) colle
LIMEJUICE -- succ de citron
LIMEKILN -- calc-forn, calciera
LIMELIGHT -- Drummond-luce, luce oxihidrogeni; (fig.) public atention
LIMESTONE -- calc-petre
LIMEWASH -- v. calcinar
LIMIT -- límite (-ar, -ation)
LIMITED COMPANY -- societé anonim, societé actionari
LIMP -- a. lax, flexibil, fatigat; v. claudicar
LIMPID -- ~ (-itá), diafan
LINDEN -- tilie
LINE -- n. strec, linea (-ar, -al, -ari); (cord) corde; (row) file, range; (of poetry) verse; (rail) rel; v. (garments) foderar; (line up) alinear (se)
LINEAGE -- genealogie
LINEAMENT -- trate, lineament
LINEN -- toale; (clothes) linage. ~ WAREHOUSE: linageria; a. linin
LINER -- nave de linea, transoceanico
LING -- (fish) molve; (bot.) erica
LINGER -- tardar, demorar, lentear; (remain) restar
LINGO -- jargon, linguach
LINGUIST -- ~ (-ic, -ica)
LINIMENT -- ~, frotta-remedie
LINING -- fódere, substoff
LINK -- (chain) catenun; caten-anelle; (fig.) bande; v. unir, ligar
LINKS -- (golf) golf-terren
LINNET -- linotte
LINSEED -- lin-semes
LINT -- charpie
LINTEL -- ~, transtrave (de porta)
LION -- leon (-a, -in, -ello)
LIP -- labie (-al)
LIQUEFY -- liquificar, liquidisar; fonder
LIQUID -- a. ~ (-ar, -ation); n. liquide, fluide
LIQUOR -- liquore, alcohol
LIQUORICE -- glicirize, liquorice
LIPS -- v. chuchotar; mispronunciar 's' o 'z'
LISSOM -- flexibil, gracil
LIST -- liste, tabelle, catalog; inclination; v. (in)listar, registrar; inclinar se
LISTEN -- escutar
LISTLESS -- inert, languid
LITANY -- litaníe
LITERAL -- litteral
LITERARY -- litterari
LITERATURE -- litteratura
LITHE -- flexibil
LITHOGRAPHY -- litografie (-ic)
LITIGATE -- processuar, litigiar
LITIGATION -- litigie (-osi)
LITIGIOUS -- litigiosi, processuaci
LITRE -- ~
LITTER -- n. jettallia; (of pigs) covatura, ventrade; (stretcher) portuore; v. metter in desordine
LITTLE -- a. micri, litt (-itá, -esse); adv. poc, alquant. ~ BY ~: poc a poc
LITTORAL -- a. litoral; n. litorale
LITURGY -- liturgie (-ic)
LIVE -- a. vivi, vivent; ardent; v. viver; (dwell) logiar, habitar, resider
LIVELIHOOD -- subsistentie
LIVELONG -- (~ day) li tot die
LIVELY -- vivaci
LIVER -- (anat.) hépate
LIVERY -- livré
LIVESTOCK -- pecude
LIVID -- ~ (-itá)
LIVING -- subsistentie; (eccl.) beneficie, prebende
LIZARD -- lacerte
LO! -- vi!
LOAD -- carga; (abstract) charge. CARTLOAD: carrade; v. cargar
LOADSTAR -- stelle polari, stelle guidant
LOADSTONE -- magnete
LOAF -- n. pane, pane-bul; v. flanar
LOAM -- grass terre, hum
LOAN -- (borrowed) prunta; (lent) presta
LOATH -- avers, desinclinat
LOATHE -- abominar, detestar
LOATHSOME -- nauseativ, desgustant, abominabil
LOBBY -- vestibul
LOBE -- lob (-ette)
LOBSTER -- homare
LOCAL -- ~ (-isar, -itá)
LOCATE -- locar, localisar
LOCATION -- situation; localisation
LOCH -- lago; golfe
LOCK -- n. serrure (-ero); (of hair) bucle; (canal) scluse; v. cluder per clave, clave-cluder; serrar
LOCKER -- n. scaf
LOCKET -- medallion
LOCKGATE -- scluse-porta
LOCKJAW -- tétano
LOCKOUT -- v. excluDer (-sion); n. "look-out", bloccal exclusion
LOCUM TENENS -- vicario, substitute
LOCUST -- locuste
LODE -- (min.) vene
LODGE -- v. logiar, habitar; (~ persons) albergar; (a protest) deposir; (troops) inlogiar; n. logí; domette; (Masonic) loge
LODGER -- locatario, chambre-luator
LODGING -- logiment; (mil.) quartere
LOFT -- subtegmente
LOFTY -- elevat, alt; sublim
LOG -- bloc, trunc; (~book) diarium; (naut.) logg (-lin)
LOGARITHM -- logaritme
LOGGERHEADS, TO BE AT -- * querellar
LOGIC -- n. logica (-al, -o)
LOGICAL -- logic
LOGWOOD -- campeche
LOIN -- lumbe, hanche; (meat) lumbage
LOITER -- tardar, lentear, flanar
LOLL -- extender se; flanar; (of tongue) pender exter
LOLLIPOP -- suc-bonbone, sucrage
LONE -- solitari, isolat
LONELINESS -- solitá
LONELY -- solitari, desert, morni, isolat
LONG -- a. long (-atri) adv. long(men) NOT ~ AGO: ante ne long. ERE ~: bentost, pos ne long. IN THE ~ RUN: con li témpore; v. desirar fortmen, sospirar
LONGEVITY -- long-viventie
LONGING -- fort desire
LONGITUDE -- longitúdine (-al)
LONG-LIVED -- long-vivent
LONG-SIGHTED -- presbit, long-vident
LONG-SUFFERING -- long-anim, patient
LONGWAYS -- secun li longore
LONGWINDED -- tedant, tedosi
LOOK -- v. regardar, spectar. TO ~ AFTER: cuidar. TO ~ FOR: serchar, expectar. TO ~ FORWARD TO: anticipar con plesura. TO ~ INTO: investigar. TO ~ LIKE: similar, aspecter. TO ~ TO: fider a, contar sur. ~ OUT!-: gardal, atention! TO ~ UP TO
LOOK-OUT -- perspective; observator. ~ TOWER: belvidere
LOOM -- textuore; v. aparir lentmen in lontanie
LOOP -- lace, node current; v. lacear. TO ~ THE ~: culbutar
LOOPHOLE -- apertura; (way out) via escapatori
LOOSE -- a. lax, deligat, infirm, labil; ínprecis; debochant; v. liberar, decatenar
LOOSEN -- deligar, laxar, detender
LOOT -- v. pilliar (-age, -ator) marodar
LOP -- dehaccar. LOPPINGS: ramallia
LOP-EARED -- con oreles pendent
LOPSIDED -- ínsimetric
LOQUACIOUS -- parlaci, babillaci, loquaci
LORD -- dómino; nobilo; Senior; mastro; (Title) Lord; v. (to ~ it) tirannisar
LORDLY -- nobil, magnanim
LORDSHIP -- (your ~) vor Seniorie, vor Excellentie
LORE -- instruction, scientie
LORGNETTE -- lorniette
LORRY -- carre, camion, furgon
LOSE -- perdir; (of clock) tardar; (one's temper) incolerar se
LOSS -- perde. TO BE AT A ~: ne saver
LOT -- fate, destine; (collection) portion, parte, quote; quantitá; (drawn) lot (-ar). A ~ OF: mult
LOTH -- avers, desinclinat
LOTTERY -- loteríe
LOTUS -- ~
LOUD -- sonori, bruiosi, vocosi, fort
LOUD-SPEAKER -- altparlator
LOUGH -- golfe; lago
LOUNGE -- v. flanar; reposar; n. salon; sofa
LOUSE -- pedicul (-at, -ut)
LOUT -- grossiero, rustico, plumpon
LOVABLE -- amabil
LOVE -- n. amore, afection; (sport) null, zero; v. amar
LOVE, TO FALL IN -- inamorar se
LOVE, TO MAKE -- cortesar
LOVELY -- bell, graciosi, charmant
LOVER -- amante; (of art, sport) amator
LOVING -- amant, amorosi
LOW -- a. bass; (deep) profund; (of mind) vili, bass; (in spirits) trist, morni; (weak) debil; (of dress) decolté; v. muir
LOWER -- a. inferiori, plu bass; v. abassar; far descenDer; diminuer; humiliar; (of weather) menaciar
LOWLAND -- bass terren, planage
LOWLY -- humil, bass
LOYAL -- ~ (-itá, -ist), fidel
LOZENGE -- (sweet) pastille; (geom.) rombe
LUBRICATE -- lubrificar (-ation)
LUBRICIOUS -- lubric
LUCERNE -- (bot.) ~
LUCID -- ~ (-itá, -ar), clar, distint
LUCIFER -- (match) inflammette
LUCK -- fortun, felicie; hasarde, chance. GOOD ~!: bon chance!
LUCKY -- felici, de bon chance
LUCRE -- ~ (-ar, -ativ)
LUCUBRATION -- dissertation, lucubration
LUDICROUS -- ridicul, drolli, risibil, burlesc
LUFF -- (naut.) luv (-ar)
LUG -- v. trenar
LUGGAGE -- bagage
LUGGER -- lugre
LUGUBRIOUS -- lugubri, morni, funebri
LUKEWARM -- tepid; índiferent
LULL -- v. lullar, calmar; n. pause; (mar.) acalmie
LULLABY -- lullicant
LUMBAR -- (med.) lumbari
LUMBER -- antiquallia, carpentallia, ligne
LUMINARY -- astre
LUMINOUS -- luminosi (-tá), lucent
LUMP -- bul, masse, pezze; (of earth) glebe; (protuberance) bosse; v. amassar
LUMPISH -- ponderosi, pesant, gross
LUMPY -- bulbosi
LUNACY -- dementie, alienitá, frenesie
LUNAR -- lunari
LUNATIC -- ~; n. alienato, lunatico
LUNCH -- ~ (-ar)
LUNG -- pulmon (-ari)
LUNGE -- pussa, colpe
LUPIN -- lupine
LUPUS -- ~
LURCH -- v. chancelar; (naut.) girar. TO LEAVE IN THE ~: abandonar, monstrar se ínfidibil
LURE -- ~ (-ar)
LURID -- a. livid; nigri-yelb; lugubri, sinistri
LURK -- guatar
LUSCIOUS -- deliciosi, gustosissim
LUSH -- sucosi, rich; verdi
LUST -- sensualitá, lascivitá, voluptá, apetite, cupiditá
LUSTFUL -- lasciv
LUSTRE -- ~, brillie
LUSTROUS -- lustrosi, splendent
LUSTY -- robust, vigorosi
LUTE -- -; (chem.) mastic
LUXURIANT -- luxuriosi, exuberant
LUXURIATE -- luxuriar
LUXURY -- luxu (-osi)
LYCEUM -- licéo (-ano)
LYE -- lixive
LYING -- a. mentaci
LYMPH -- limfa (-tic)
LTNCH -- v. linchar
LYNX -- n. linx
LYRE -- lire
LYRIC -- a. liric; n. lirica